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Mu HardServer - Season 2.5 Classico

Exp: 5x~1x
Drop: 10%~30%

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Server: online
  • Versão Season 2.5 Classico
  • Experiência 5x~1x
  • Drop 10%~30%
  • Total de Contas 386
  • Total de Personagens 406
  • Total de Guilds 9




  • HARD Offline
  • MGHard Offline
  • GMELF Offline


Box of Kundun

Drop list das Box of Kundun

Box of Kundun + 1 Sets: Pad,Leather,Vine,Silk,Bronze Weapons: Kriss,Rapier,Blade,Elvin bow,Arquebus,Angelic Staff, Skull staff,Batle Scepter,Master Scepter,Crescent Axe, Elemental Mace,Morning Star,Flai,Halberd. Shields: Small shield Rings/Pen: Ring Ice,Ring Poison,Pendant of Lighting,Pendant of Fire.

Box of Kundun + 2 Sets: Scale,Brass,Bone,Wind,Spirit,Storm Crow Weapons: Battle Bow,Serpent Crossbow,Double Blade,Gladios,Falchion, Serpent sword,Gorgon Staff,Serpent Staff,Shunder Staff,Blade scepter, Golden cross,Batle bow,Crystal Morning,Serpent Spear,Crystal Sword. Shields: Buckler Shield,Kite Shield,Skull Shield,Spike Shield Rings/Pen: Ring Fire,Ring Earth,Ring ice,Ring poison,Ring wind,Ring magic Pendant of Water,Pendant of Ability,Pendant of light,Pendant of fire,Pendant of ice. Pendant of wind

Box of Kundun + 3 Sets: Plate,Ligt plate,Legendary,Dragon,Guardian,Sphinix Weapons: Great Scepter,Legendary Staff,Bill of Balrog,Lighting Sword,Legendary Sword,Reliacal Sword, Double blade,Tiger Bow,Silver bow,Elven axe, Shields: Elven shield,Elemental shield,Large Round Shield,Serpent Shield.

Box of Kundun + 4 Sets: Black dragon,Dark steel,Grand soul,Tunder Hawk, Divine,Adamantine. Weapons: Aquagold Crossbow,Sword of Destruction,Giant Sword,Rune Blade,Bluewing Crossbow, Aquagold Crossbow,Saint Crossbow,lord scepter,Staff of Resurrection,Staff of Destruction, Dragon Soul Staff,Chaos Lighting Staff,Thunder blade Shields: Tower Shield,Plate Shield,Dragon slayer,legendary shield

Box of Kundun + 5 Sets: Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Dark Master, Hurricane,Dark phoenix Weapons: Knight Blade, Dark Reign Blade, Great Lord Scepter, Dragon Spear, Arrow Viper Bow, Celestial Bow, Staff of Kundun. Shields: Bronze Shield, Dragon Shield, Legendary Shield, Grand Soul Shield.
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